February is a “Dry” month. This means NO SWIMMING for any summer recreation league participant.

A few clarifications/answers to common questions:

If you are currently swimming on a year-round team, please cancel your membership by January 31.

Swimmers may not follow written instructions and practice on their own. Oral and written instruction that they might have kept from their coach are considered instructed swimming.

Parents/other relatives/friends are not permitted to give instruction from the pool deck.

Water safety/learn to swim classes are not permitted in February.

Try outs/swimmer evaluations need to be conducted after March 1st or have been completed in January.


High School swimmers may start practicing with HS team.

March Clinics

Maximum of 3 hours per week of stroke instruction only.

Swimmers not to swim more than 50 yards in one stretch. (For example no sending kids off to warm up for 400 yards during clinic).

Nor Cal Swim League Bylaws

Section 11.03. Events Causing Ineligibility

    (a) If, between the time period commencing on February 1 and continuing through the completion of all four conference championship meets, an individual:

            (i.) Swims in any United States Swimming-sanctioned meet; or

            (ii.) Participates in any stroke-and-turn clinic in February or which does not comply with Section 12.06; or

            (iii.) Practices with, or competes for, any swimming team other than the swimmer's Team; then said individual shall be ineligible to register and participate (or continue participating, as the case may be) in the League swimming season occurring in said calendar year.

    (b) For the period commencing February 1 and ending March 31 an individual shall be ineligible if that individual participates in any swim practice at the direction or supervision of any coach. For purposes of this section “direction” or “supervision” shall include any oral or written directions given by a coach to a swimmer

    (c) Sections 11.03(a) and (b) notwithstanding, an individual will remain eligible to participate in a League swimming season if the individual participates on any of the following teams at any time between February 1 and the end of the League's swimming season:

            (i.) High school swimming teams;

            (ii.) Intercollegiate (junior college, community college, college or university) swimming teams;

            (iii.) Water polo or synchronized swimming teams;

            (iv.) Another Team of this League provided that either the individual’s participation is limited to attendance at stroke-and-turn clinics sponsored by said other member Teams or the individual complies with Section 11.04 of these Bylaws;

            (v.) A team which is a member of another recreational league, provided that said team has not practiced during the time period commencing on February 1 and running through March 31, and further that the individual complies with Section 11.05 of these Bylaws.