The West Sacramento Swim Team is excited to bring you fun events throughout the season such as dine out nights, swimathons, and much more to bring our swim families together and raise money for our team.
Wednesday, April 26, 2022, Open to close: Marco's Pizza Fundraiser - For every customer that presents a flyer (either on paper or on a phone), Marco's Pizza will donate 20% of the purchase to the Dolphins! Stay tuned for flyer.
Thursday, May 11, 2022, Open to close: Panda Express Fundraiser - For every customer that presents a flyer (either on paper or on a phone), Panda Express will donate 28% of the purchase to the Dolphins! Stay tuned for flyer.
Wednesday, June 7, 2022, 4:00-8:00 PM: Chipotle Fundraiser - For every customer that presents a flyer (either on paper or on a phone), Chipotle will donate 33% of the purchase to the Dolphins! Stay tuned for flyer.
If you have any questions or would like to partner with the West Sacramento Dolphins, please contact Breanne Munar, Director of General Fundraising, at